The wisdom of professionals is valued at all times

Every year, Uzbekistan celebrates Teachers and Mentors Day. This respected profession has been valued for centuries and even millennia. Previously, this notion evoked associations only with school, but today its scope has been expanded. Teachers, educators, and craftsmen pass on their knowledge to us in kindergartens, universities, various advanced training courses, and hobby groups.

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In Uzbekistan, this profession has always been treated with special reverence. In 1997, an official holiday was established - the Teachers and Mentors Day, which is celebrated annually on October 1, when it is accepted to honor all those involved, those who, sparing no knowledge and experience, talent and skill, strength, and energy, are devoted with all their soul to the cause of education and enlightenment.

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ERIELL Group has its own non-state educational establishment ERIELL prof education. Multifunctional educational activity of the educational institution is built under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 and is aimed at broad introduction of advanced foreign experience in the educational process of retraining and professional development of managers and leading specialists in the field of oil and gas business based on the latest educational technologies. Teachers of ERIELL prof education are true professionals. Each of them has been connected with the oil and gas sphere all their life.

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On the eve of the professional holiday, the teachers of ERIELL prof education were congratulated. A gala event was held at the non-state educational establishment with the participation of all teaching staff, including specialists in project areas, corporate culture, management, psychology, logistics, and others. ERIELL Group representatives came to congratulate the teachers.

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"The teachers of ERIELL prof education are true professionals, devoted to their noble deed. Dear ustozes, I sincerely wish you health, well-being, and prosperity in all spheres of life. Carry on bringing your valuable experience to new generations for ERIELL Group prosperity", - said Khurshed Nayimovich Hodzhimetov, Deputy Director of Personnel Management Department, in his congratulatory speech.

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ERIELL Group staff presented flowers and gifts for their invaluable and honorable work.

"In ERIELL prof education, we created brilliant conditions for educational process. As to my colleagues, I am proud of each of them. No doubt, the best professors, specialists, trainers are working here to deliver knowledge for successful advancement of our big family - ERIELL Group", - said Yusuf Negmatovich Abdullayev, Director of Corporate Education Center, Professor, Doctor of Education.

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There is such wisdom in the Uzbek language: "Teacher is as important as the father. This is the essence of life because for every person gaining knowledge is one of the main priorities.

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ERIELL Group heartily congratulates all the teachers and mentors on their professional holiday. May you have a strong desire to share your knowledge, experience, and best qualities with new generations so that they can strengthen Uzbekistan's prestige in the international community.

Press service, ERIELL Group